- Q 1: How we provide support to manufacturing company?
Ans: -Buyers now have access to a platform of information through all the various digital channels and are better informed about possible solutions to meet their needs, who the possible solutions providers are, what 3rd party analysts think of solutions and companies, better access to case studies and reviews….all before you have a chance to engage with them.
- Q 2: What about the safety and security of customer data?
Ans: -As we said in previous answer that we work on customer system taking the remote access. So, we will have or we will able to access only required application and folder. We use to sign non disclosure agreement and other agreements which ensure that we do not share any data with others.
- Q 3: When we are available to provide support to our client?
Ans: -We are customer driven company so we are available 24x5 and if heavy or urgent work load We also work on weekends.
- Q 4: What are the charges about the support and services?
Ans: - It depends on what kind of services a customer required and usually we work on very lower rates.